The fall season is a great time of year for your lawn in Keller, TX. Your grass will be preparing to go into winter dormancy and it needs the right care during this time to ensure that it survives until spring. One way to help your lawn prepare for the winter is by using pre-emergent weed control treatments. These treatments prevent weeds from sprouting through the soil and causing problems on your lawn. You should apply these treatments in early fall as well as in late fall so that you can get ahead of any weeds before they have a chance to grow. Another important thing you need to do during the fall is to use post-emergent weed control treatments. Post-emergent treatments are designed to eliminate any existing weeds on your property. The last thing you should do this fall is to administer a winterizer treatment. This type of treatment helps your lawn survive the cold winter months. For the best results, you should hire pros to administer these treatments to ensure they are applied correctly, at the right time, and that an effective product is used.

Use pre-emergent weed control treatments in early fall and late fall.

Pre-emergent weed control treatments are very effective at preventing new weeds from emerging on your lawn. It works by creating a barrier in the soil that newly germinated weeds cannot penetrate. In order for this type of treatment to work effectively, you need to apply it in early fall. That's because if you wait too long, then many types of weeds such as crabgrass and dandelions will already be past a certain point in their life cycle and won't be affected by the treatment.

You also want to apply another round of pre-emergent weed control in late fall. Winter is coming, and many types of weeds will take advantage of the cooler weather and dormant state of your grass to germinate. By applying a second round of pre-emergent weed control in late fall, you can prevent these weeds from establishing themselves on your lawn.

Use post-emergent weed control treatments in early fall.

Post-emergent weed control treatments are used to target and eliminate weeds that have already emerged on your lawn. When you use this type of treatment, you spray it directly onto the weeds and it will seep down into the soil and kill the weeds at their root level. You should use post-emergent weed control treatments in early fall to get rid of any weeds that are currently infesting your lawn.

Administer a winterizer treatment in the late fall.

A winterizer treatment contains an abundance of nutrients that will supply your lawn with everything it needs to survive the winter. The rich supply of nutrients contained in this treatment will give your lawn the strength it needs to endure the colder temperatures we experience here in Keller, TX, in the wintertime. A winterizer treatment should be applied in the late fall so that your lawn has enough time to absorb all of those nutrients before going dormant.

Liquid winterizer treatments are ideal because they allow the grass to absorb the nutrients quickly.

Hire pros to apply these lawn care treatments for the best results.

There's no denying that lawn care is crucial to maintaining a healthy and beautiful lawn. Fortunately, there are professionals who can take over this task for you. When you hire a professional company to care for your lawn, they will know when to apply these treatments and will also use high-quality products that yield the best results. Pros will treat your lawn as if it were their own, ensuring that each application is done correctly and efficiently to achieve optimal results.

Call us today to sign up for our lawn care program which consists of weed control and fertilization treatments.

If you're looking for a team that can take care of your lawn throughout the year, then you've come to the right place. At Buffalo Outdoor, we offer a lawn care program that includes weed control and fertilization treatments throughout the year, including in the fall!

We proudly serve residential property owners in Keller, Aledo, Saginaw, and other surrounding areas in Texas. Call us at (817) 349-0580 to enroll in our lawn care program today!