Before cutting your grass here in Texas, you need to check a few things on your lawn mower to ensure it can do its job well and everything goes smoothly. The first thing you want to check is the sharpness of the blades. When they're sharp, they make cleaner cuts, whereas when they're dull, they can rip or tear the grass blades. You also want to ensure the mower deck height is set properly for your specific turf type, as some may need to stay longer while others can tolerate going shorter. The last thing you should check before cutting your grass is the engine oil. Dirty oil can affect how efficiently the engine runs, so you'll want to keep it clean to prevent any potential damage. By checking these three things on your lawn mower, you can ensure a smooth mowing experience and keep your lawn looking great!

1. Check that your lawn mower's blades are sharpened.

One of the most important things you need to check on your lawn mower before cutting your grass is that the blades are sharpened. Sharp blades make cleaner cuts, which not only keeps the grass blades looking neat but healthy, too. On the other hand, dull mower blades can negatively impact your lawn because they have a tougher time cutting through it, potentially ripping or tearing the grass. When this happens, it hinders its health and makes it more susceptible to diseases. Because of this, you'll always want to mow your lawn with sharpened blades so that you don’t end up damaging it!

2. Check that your lawn mower's deck height is set correctly for your specific turf type.

Another thing you need to check on your mower before cutting your grass is that the deck height is set correctly for your specific turf type. Different grass types require certain lengths to maintain optimal health; some need to stay longer, while others can tolerate going shorter. Before mowing your lawn, you’ll want to check what height it needs to be to ensure you don’t accidentally cut off too much, which can cause unnecessary stress. On the other hand, if you don’t cut your grass short enough, it could become overgrown and start to look unkempt.

You'll want to mow your lawn in Texas weekly from April until October, bi-weekly in November, monthly from December to February, and bi-weekly in March.

3. Check whether your lawn mower's engine oil is clean.

The final thing you need to check on your lawn mower before cutting your grass is that the engine oil is clean. Dirty engine oil can affect how efficiently the engine runs, making it less powerful and potentially damaging your lawn mower. Clean oil helps keep the engine running cool and efficient, allowing it to power through your lawn without overheating. It’s recommended to change the engine oil once per season to ensure it stays clean.

Call Us Today to Sign Up for Our Lawn Mowing Service

At Buffalo Outdoor, we offer a professional lawn mowing service to maintain your turf's pristine aesthetic and health! Our team will visit your property regularly throughout the year to cut your grass, string-trim, edge, and blow debris off hard surfaces. We also ensure our lawn mowers are in tip-top shape before every visit; we sharpen the blades daily, adjust the deck height according to your specific turf type, and keep the engine oil clean.

We offer our lawn mowing service to residential and commercial properties in Keller, Aledo, Saginaw, and surrounding areas in Texas. Call us today at (817) 349-0580 to sign up and say hello to a beautifully manicured lawn in no time!