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How Often Should You Be Fertilizing Your Lawn in the Texas Summer Heat?

How Often Should You Be Fertilizing Your Lawn in the Texas Summer Heat?

Some people in Texas don't think they have to fertilize their lawn in the summer because they have warm-season grass. Well, we're here to tell you that you should still be fertilizing your grass because the summers in Texas can be brutal—yes, even for your warm-season grass. The summers can get incredibly hot, so your grass will need an extra boost of nutrients from some fertilizer to survive and thrive. Administer a round of fertilizer at the beginning of summer to prepare your grass for the heat ahead. Then, apply more fertilizer at the end of summer to help your grass recover from the stress of summer. During the season, you’ll also want to ensure that you're getting rid of weeds so your grass can benefit from these fertilizer treatments! Continue reading to learn more about the importance of fertilizing your lawn twice during the summer.

Fertilize your lawn once at the beginning of summer.

Fertilized summer lawn in Saginaw, TX.

Even though we commonly have warm-season grasses in Texas, the summer can still be incredibly taxing on our lawn. The heat can sometimes be too much—especially in July and August—and the rise in temperature can your grass to struggle. That’s why it’s best to prepare your lawn for this heat with a fertilizer treatment at the beginning of summer. This treatment will supply your turf with essential nutrients that will boost its heat resistance and strengthen its root development to help it survive the summer heat.

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Stop Heading Indoors Early Because of Pesky Mosquitoes - Do This Instead!

Stop Heading Indoors Early Because of Pesky Mosquitoes - Do This Instead!

Mosquito season is here in Texas, and these pests know how to put a damper on your outdoor festivities. However, there are a few ways to stop them from forcing you and your guests back inside. You can start by getting to the root of the problem and eliminating what's attracting them to your property in the first place. If you're short on time, you can set up natural repellents around you and your guests to keep the mosquitoes off everyone. However, the best method to keep mosquitoes off your property is to hire a professional pest control company. A pest control company will use highly effective products and systematically treat any areas on your property to prevent mosquitoes from gathering in your yard. By following these methods, you can continue enjoying the outdoors with your friends and family!

Reduce the mosquito population on your property by getting to the root of the problem.

A mosquito found over bird bath in Keller, TX.
If you notice mosquitoes are arriving in droves onto your property, then you need to figure out what is attracting them to it in the first place. You want to look out for any standing water that may be sitting out in your yard because mosquitoes use standing water to breed. If you have a pond or other water feature on your property, you can simply add a bubbler to them to keep the water in motion. For other places with water, like bird baths or water bowls for your pets, you need to make sure those are changed out often.

Mosquitoes also hide under debris to take...

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The Big Debate: Is Scalping Good for Your Lawn?

The Big Debate: Is Scalping Good for Your Lawn?

There’s an ongoing debate raging on concerning the practice of scalping and whether it’s beneficial for your lawn. Many argue you shouldn’t scalp your lawn because you might end up hurting your grass. However, there are certain circumstances where scalping will help your grass grow. For example, if you live in Texas and have either Bermuda or zoysia grass, then scalping after the last frost of the year can promote healthy grass growth during the growing season. This is because you’re exposing your soil to more sunlight by cutting your grass incredibly short. Although, you should be mindful of the grass clippings left behind as you mow. They will block that sunlight you’re trying to get to your soil. If you choose not to scalp your lawn before the growing season, then you can put your lawn’s overall health at risk.

The Benefits of Scalping Your Lawn

Despite some of the discourse surrounding scalping, it's something that's recommended in Texas because it promotes healthy growth during the growing season. You should aim to scalp your lawn every year after the last frost of the year but before your lawn emerges from winter dormancy. By removing all the old, dead grass from your lawn, you’re allowing more sunlight to hit your soil, which will warm it up and result in greener and more vibrant grass.

Scalping your lawn is a great way to get rid of those stubborn late-winter weeds that may have popped up!
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